Referral Rewards Program

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Join the LeadShop Referral Rewards Program

Get ready for some serious referral commissions.

Sign up for LeadShop's Referral Rewards Program. Get paid every month on the 15th and earn 10% commission on all LeadShop products your customers purchase - every month they pay.

How does it work?

Sign up for LeadShop's Referral Rewards Program at the link below. We'll send you your referral link via email, which will also include login information to view your referred customers. From there, share the link! Talk to others about LeadShop. When people ask what CRM you use or who you use for seminar marketing, refer them to your referral link.

How do I get paid?

Get paid every month on the 15th and earn 10% commission on all LeadShop products your customers purchase - every month they pay.

How long is my link good for?

Referral links use cookie tracing to track sales back to you and report that a customer is yours. After you've sent your link to a customer, the customer must click on the link to be cookie traced. The cookie trace will expire after 90 days. If the customer has purchased within the 90 day window, you'll receive commissions on their product for as long as they're a customer.

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